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Avast Mobile Security Puts People in Control of Their “Phone-Life Balance”
Avast App Insights gives Android users insights into their digital consumption habits

REDWOOD CITY, Calif. & LONDON, Avast, the global leader in digital security products, today announced updates to the Avast Mobile Security app that help people manage their ‘phone-life balance’. The new Avast App Insights feature shows users how much time they have spent on their phone in total and also shows how this breaks down by app and by day. People can use App Usage to understand their digital consumption, giving them the ability to adapt their usage and manage any addictive habits.

App Usage is the latest in the App Insights features within Avast Mobile Security and is available to all mobile users on any version of Android.


“Many of us recognize the lure of the mobile phone and that we can’t resist a quick email check or tap on an app on a regular basis. As we increase the time we spend regularly on our mobile phones, more intensive activities like streaming content, playing games and posting on social media can lead to an imbalance in our digital consumption or phone-life balance,” said Gagan Singh, SVP & GM, Mobile at Avast. “The App Insights feature is designed to give you better insights into your phone activity and helps you take back control over your time spent in each of your apps every day. It shows everything from battery, storage, mobile data and Wi-Fi data usage through to which permissions are required by the different apps.”

While ensuring the phone’s security, Avast Mobile Security also allows users to control every aspect of their digital consumption through the App Insight feature:

  1. App Usage: Shows users how much time they spend on their phone, broken down by app, and by day. App Usage allows users to understand how much time they spend on their phone, and to control their ‘phone-life balance’.
  2. Data: Gives users transparency into their data usage. It shows how many MBs/GBs have already been used and how much data remains on their carrier plan. The feature breaks down the data usage per app, helping them make informed decisions about which apps would be better to use when connected to Wi-Fi. It also sends a notification when mobile data is being used up too fast, to help stay within the plan limit.
  3. Permissions: Gives insight into the apps the user has installed and what information each app has permission to access. It also shows which ad networks are integrated into your apps, to provide better insights into where the device data is going.

App Insights is included in the free and paid versions of Avast Mobile Security and will be available to all Android users from September 28 through the next update.

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